
Multi-Age Licensure Programs

Licenses to teach drama, music, art, and foreign languages are multi-age licenses. These licenses allow teachers to teach these subjects at any level from preschool through the twelfth grade.

Each Multi-Age program consists of a 30-credit minor in Education that includes introductory courses such as Human Development and Learning Theory and Introduction to Students with Special Needs, methods courses such as Curriculum and Instruction for High School and Including Students with Special Needs in Middle and Secondary Classes, and student teaching.

Every course includes a field experience. Students spend many hours teaching in local schools where they have the opportunity to apply the skills learned in their courses. This "real-life" experience in teaching is supervised by their course instructors (there are no teaching assistants at Wittenberg) and provides an excellent bridge between theory and practice. These filed experiences prepare students to feel confident and poised for their final student teaching experience in their senior year.

In addition to the Education minor, students complete courses in the teaching field that they choose. These courses are taken from the appropriate arts and sciences department and include a major in that department. (For example, a student who wanted to teach French would take a minor in Education and a major in French.) Students will also take a special methods course in the teaching field from that department. Thus students will graduate with a firm foundation in principles of teaching and learning and in the academic area in which they have chosen to teach.

Wittenberg's Education Department has its own Career Office to assist students in finding a teaching position after graduation. Last year 95% of our teacher education graduates found full-time teaching positions.

Program Course Requirements:

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