
Testing Policy

COMPASS: Sweet Success Exam Administration

Exam and testing accommodations are adjustments to the standard exam procedure, environment, and/or format. Students approved for exam accommodations are to complete exams with accommodations that minimize the impact of their disabilities without lowering course standards or altering expectations. Students who request exam accommodations typically have disabilities that interfere with processing information, recalling information, writing legibly, reading printed text, or focusing and concentrating.

If possible, COMPASS: Sweet Success Center encourages faculty to consider providing accommodated exams within spaces available in an academic department, or in close proximity to the classroom in which the exam is being given. This allows students with disabilities to have the most similar experience to their peers as possible, gives students access to their professors if questions arise, reduces the needs to deliver and pick up exam materials, and ensures exams are graded in a timely fashion (i.e. with all other exams).

If providing accommodated exams within an academic department is not possible, students may register to take their exams in COMPASS between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm, Monday-Friday. There is no exam administration available on weekends with the exception of final exams and comprehensive graduation exams. Exams scheduled outside these hours must be approved in advance by COMPASS staff. Additionally, during mid-term and final exam periods, only students with approved testing accommodations may utilize COMPASS testing services due to demand. We are not able to accommodate students wishing to make-up an exam or take an exam early during these periods in the semester.

COMPASS: Sweet Success Center Exam Administration Procedure:

  1. Students are encouraged to arrange times to meet with their professors to discuss their exam administration needs and determine where exams will be taken. Students are responsible for scheduling accommodated exams through the Accessibility Services website when they need to take exams in COMPASS. All decisions made by the student regarding where they will take their accommodated exam must be confirmed by the course professor. Options available are:
    • In COMPASS: Sweet Success Center
      • Students who need to complete exams in COMPASS must complete the . This form should be completed at least 2 class days in advance of the test date. If special circumstances arise that would prevent this, the student should contact COMPASS immediately to make arrangements. Failing to give proper notice may impact COMPASS鈥檚 ability to administer the exam.
    • In the classroom, with accommodations provided.
      • If utilizing this option, students do not need to complete the accommodated testing request form.
    • With accommodations in space provided by the professor and the student.
      • If utilizing this option, students do not need to complete the accommodated testing request form.
  2. Students testing in COMPASS should first inquire with their professor and work together to identify the ideal time frame for completing the exam.
    • Professors are responsible for approving the requested testing option and providing the exam to COMPASS. At least 24 hours ahead of the exam time, professors should expect email communication from COMPASS requesting exam details, to approve completion materials, and their preferred method of contact should there be an issue or question that arises during the exam period.
    • Professors should provide the exam to COMPASS at least 24 hours prior to the exam.  Professors may deliver exams via email, campus mail, or hand delivery.
    • Professors will need to make special arrangements for 鈥減op鈥 quizzes and impromptu class assignments with COMPASS if they are unable to provide accommodations in the classroom for those assessments.
  3. Exams can be taken in COMPASS during the testing blocks of 8am-5pm Monday-Friday.

COMPASS Testing policies:

  • Student must arrive on time with professor-approved exam materials (i.e. pencil(s), pen(s), reference sheet(s), scientific or graphing calculator).  
  • Student must abide by 麻豆传媒色情片 Honor Code. If there is evidence of academic dishonesty (i.e. cheating, plagiarizing, or supporting other students鈥 dishonesty), COMPASS will inform the professor regarding these potential concerns during or after students have completed exams.  
  • Student must remain in COMPASS for the duration of the exam. Once students begin, restroom breaks are not permitted unless for required accommodation. Students are not permitted to leave COMPASS during the testing period and come back to complete an exam.  
  • Once a student has entered the testing room, and the time started, the timer will only be stopped for approved accommodation needs.
  • Student will place their cell phone, smart phone, smart watch, computer, tablet, backpack, purse, and other unauthorized materials (i.e. textbooks, notes, and electronic devices) in COMPASS before entering the exam area. Heavy jackets, coats, hats, hoodies, or cumbersome outerwear are not permitted to be in the testing room.
  • COMPASS will make random integrity checks during testing periods. Random integrity checks may consist of COMPASS staff walking around and near each student, observing behavior, and/or looking over the student鈥檚 shoulder to ensure exam integrity.  
  • Students must abide by the policy for lateness, illness, or missing/cancelling testing.
    • Lateness: Students who arrive 20 minutes beyond the scheduled exam time may be asked to reschedule exams with their professor or COMPASS. There is no guarantee professors will allow a make-up exam. COMPASS will email the student, copying the professor of record, to inform the student of their lateness and requesting the student arrive or have the appointment cancelled. If the student does not arrive within 30 minutes of the scheduled appointment, it will be cancelled and the student is responsible for collaborating with their course professor in order to re-schedule either with their professor or COMPASS.
    • Illness: Students should contact their professor and COMPASS as soon as possible if they are ill and unable to complete an exam. There is no guarantee professors will allow a make-up exam.
    • Missing Exams: COMPASS will inform professors if students do not arrive for their scheduled exam appointment.
    • Cancelling Exams: Students should contact COMPASS as soon as possible if they have decided not to complete exams that were scheduled in COMPASS.
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